Monday, October 10, 2016

Main Idea, Central Idea, Big Idea....

Being able to identify the Main Idea is one of the entryways to improving your reading comprehension. Finding that MAIN IDEA can be hard and can take some practice. I have a couple of quick videos that can help us locate the main idea.



Main Idea, Central Idea, Big Idea....

Being able to identify the Main Idea is one of the entryways to improving your reading comprehension. Finding that MAIN IDEA can be hard and can take some practice. I have a couple of quick videos that can help us locate the main idea.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wow, how can it be April already?

We have been working on many things related to reading, writing, literary devices of metaphor, simile, alliteration, conflict-internal/external, pre/post quizzes and a deeper understanding of reading through these literary devices that authors use.
We have even done two connecting to text short focused art projects. One related to student novels they are reading in class. The other one related to an informational reading of Bees and Colony Collapse Disorder. This reading packet, that I crafted, used information relating to this huge issues of disappearing bees and the impact on all of us. The art projects, completed just before a vacation, helped to demonstrate a deeper understanding of this topic. Students were free to engage their MultipleIntelligences and create a visual display of their this topic.

We are also working on some writing and have been all throughout the year. We focus in on these informational topics under study, and write paragraphs which I post on my secured Google + Novels page. It's nice to see the student work displayed there.

The goal is always to spend a larger amount of time, than is spent in the mainstream, on these concepts and I also spend a great deal of time in daily mini lessons, recycling these concepts continually to reinforce and work towards mastery. Deep reading with deep understanding is not a clear path for all. Students will arrive at that destination when they are ready. The key is to constantly approach these deep reading skills, develop comprehension skills, and thinking skills in ways using many different resources and topics. 

As we are nearing another round of testing, I am also working to help students develop their test taking skills. Most recently this week, Rhyme Scheme has been the focus. Onwards and upwards......

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Reflection-Week 7 Blog Post-Class Reflection

Application Assignment Blog Post- Week 7 Karabaic,Stephanie Three years ago I transformed my classroom into one that is highly technology based.I did this with ample support and guidance. I then flew with it and evolved in my understanding, knowledge and practice in using the varied and daily technology that seems to come flying at us with warp speed. Everyday there are new apps for the ipads, new programs, and new tools that we need to consider as to their application in our classrooms. We need to embrace that which can further advance our students’ understanding and engagement and reject those things that are merely just mimicking other more established tools. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the pace at which these technologies are advancing and arriving. To just keep up with some of the digital trends can boggle ones mind. I follow a few outstanding technology blogs and find their delivery to my facebook page or to my email a gift. How wonderful that these blogs serve the singular purpose to digitally deliver the latest and greatest educational technology trends directly to me. For this purpose, I have always loved receiving blog feeds, but have not yet embraced them for use with my students. I am still unsure if I am going to use the blog feature of Haiku, my Learning Management System, rather than a site like Blogger. I do think blogs have some great educational applications and am moving in the direction of using them in my classroom. The teaching and learning process is distinctly different when using technology with students. As a teacher, you have to use technology not just for technology’s sake but with an end in mind. As an educator, I always try to accomplish the goals of deeping reading, while covering the Common Core standards by using technology whenever possible. In this way students are getting exposure and hands on experience with identified academic skills along with those identified essential digital skills. Sometimes,however some students may misuse technology and as educators we need to be sure that the safeguards are in place to prevent misuse as well as clearly communicating what is acceptable and what is not acceptable when it comes to technology use in the classroom. The ability for students to move to other websites, or instant message or email another student instead of working on the task at hand remains an issue for me at times, with certain students. It is those types of events which may turn some teachers off from using and integrating technology into their classroom instructional model. I still remain teacher centered but am conscious of moving in the direction always towards learner centered. I have a great deal of behaviorally challenged students this year and classroom combinations that are extremely difficult to manage. Many of those behavioral issues have balanced out to a tolerable level. However, two classes remain a challenge to complete academic work as a group. This is not due to technology but because of those behavioral issues, my ability to utilize digital tools effectively with these two groups remains frustrating and challenging. For most of my students, the kinds of work we do as a large group is a great experience, however 40% of my classes are so behaviorally disconnected that working as a large group may have to be something I alter for the instructional atmosphere to be effective. For some students the independent nature of many technology based assignments poses too many challenges for them. Consequently, we need to employ technology when technology achieves the goals we have for students. When students cannot manage technology successfully, then we need to modify its use and application. One of the NETs standards for students is as follows: “Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity”(,2012) Perhaps my behaviorally challenged students are further challenged because they have not previously been exposed to much educational technology in the school setting. These 7th and 8th graders should be able to successfully navigate using technology without my fearing their misusing it. Then my focus shifts from the task to the implementation and tools being used. Students need to be taught how to behave when using technology and for some that means constant reminders. When a teacher has a group of behaviorally challenged students, perhaps it’s too much of a lofty goal to utilize technology on a daily basis. I am a realist, which does compete with my desire for all of my classes to utilize technology at the same level, perhaps I need to reassess some student groups’ ability to do work successfully using technology. In two years, I see myself not as a Reading and Writing Specialist who transformed her classroom into a 21st Century digital classroom, but instead as a technology integrator who assists other teachers in developing their own 21st Century skills in the classroom and enriching their students’ instruction with blogs, podcasts, ipads, digital storytelling,and digital video tools. Additionally, I see myself as continuing to develop my own technology rich skills. Another goal I’ve identified is my technology knowledge and expertise will be at a level, where I can maintain a professional blog that others will choose to follow to enrich their own 21st Century Skill Set. There I can post samples of what is possible, apps that are worth their notice and time and ways to teach specific academic skills enhanced and entrenched in technology. I can make screencasts and videos using Googleplus Hangouts. I can serve as a source and a place to go to for technology information. International Society For Technology in Education (2012). iste.nets.s Advancing Digital Age Learning. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed December 14,2012].

Saturday, December 1, 2012

My Podcast Link-Interviewing Middle School Reading Students about Technology Use

Here is my  podcast for my interview of my students regarding their technology tools, use and preferences for using technology in school. I actually have data from last year at the close of my ipad grant which I included in this post. Additionally, I survey this year's students as I  start every year with student surveys.One survey relates to technology usage and technology tools. I did ask my students a few additional questions but having most of the data, I just had to organize it.  Due to this week's activities and my presentation at Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, I was not able to get audio permissions completed and returned. Instead, I did a podcast of my voice with the information.

Here is the link to my podcast:

I also had numerous problems uploading my podcast due to Vermont's deathly slow internet download/upload speeds, so I  wasn't able to accomplish the download to a podcast host site.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Busy Lives -No Time for Loss of Blog work...

I  am feeling a level of frustration that cannot be imagined.  After investing  many hours of my own time to create a group blog for my graduate class, manage it, make necessary corrections when participants posted their post on the wrong page, deleted gadgets, and lost the page setup and other participant work on the blog, I logged in today, and found that I am locked out.

I am too busy for game playing, intentional or unintentional editing, and mistakes that leave the blog inaccessible. If someone made an error, then they need to report that error to the group. I do not  have the luxury of setting up another one, and am very upset and concerned as this could also occur in a classroom situation with students. 

This happening speaks to the complexity of working in a group in a digital setting. Lessons will  be learned from this and will  help me to refine how, when and if I will ever use this tool with my students. Perhaps the  actual WIKI will not be the format I  will  choose. Blogger may function better.  All in all,  frustration and  anger will lead me to understanding a better way to do this in the future!